Wednesday, March 22, 2023

A Tamil Testimony: A paralyzed patient cured miraculously

This is a beautiful testimony in Tamil. A woman from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu was completely paralysed and was rejected by the doctors who treated her. The doctors tried their best and lost their hope. They abandoned her and sent her home.

Someone in her neighborhood felt pity on her and carried her to Kreupasanam Shrine and laid her in the Holy presence of the Blessed Virgin Mother. After praying for some time, when the group was returning back to their native place Kanyakumari in the bus by which they came, the paralysed patient shocked all the fellow passengers by standing up and dancing!

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Kreupasanam Paper in Spanish, Italian and German


The name and fame of the Holy Mother Who appeared in Kreupasanam Shrine near Alleppy in Kerala is spreading across continents. Day by day, Kreupasanam has been growing as one of the major Marian Apparition Centers in the world, with the loving presence and miraculous works of the Holy Virgin Mother. 

Kreupasanam Paper is a physical product that proclaims the love and compassion of Lord Jesus Christ through His Holy Virgin Mother to all people who call upon Him without any religious or linguistic barriers. Thousands of people are visiting Kreupasanam with various personal intentions and the Holy Mother of Krupasanam has been swiftly interfering in all their problems and has been granting miraculous solutions to each and every one's different issues that are too amazing for the non-believers to digest!

The incredible healings of many clinically dead and abandoned cases have literally stunned the medical science. Many impossible things are occurring amazingly in many people's lives. And those people who received many favours through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Lady are finding it difficult to hide their love and gratitude to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Mother Mary Who love everyone under the sun without any discrimination!

Some selected testimonies are shared in the website (blog) for the quick accessibility of devotees. Those who cannot understand the language (mostly Malayalam) can go find the testimonials through the Kreupasanam News Paper which is published in 13 languages as of now!

Kreupasanam Paper published in Indian languages:

1. Malayalam
2. Hindi
3. Tamil
4. Kannada
5. Telugu
6. Marathi
7. Gujarati
8. Bengali
9. Konkani

Kreupasanam Paper published in global languages:

1. English
2. German
3. Italian 
4. Spanish

Kreupasanam devotees who are working (or dwelling) among people who speak the above mentioned languages may contact the Kreupasanam office to procure some papers and distribute to their friends and colleagues. Let the whole world know the great work of the Compassionate Lord Jesus Christ through His Holy Virgin Mother.